16 tricks to make cleaning easier

We've all been there, fighting the dirt and wondering if there isn't an easier way. Well, don't be surprised anymore! We've gathered expert advice to transform your cleaning routine. Here are 16 clever tricks that will make cleaning a breeze!

1. Kitchen units and cabinets

Reader's tip: Mix vinegar, dish soap and a few drops of essential oil for kitchen magic!

Pro tip: A drop of detergent with vinegar is your secret weapon. Don't overdo it with soap! If you're dealing with grease, try a little rubbing alcohol (test a small spot first).

kitchen and dining area
Photo by Mark on Pexels.com

2. Kitchen sink

Reader tip: Sodium bicarbonate and the paste with lemon juice makes everything sparkle!'

Pro tip: Sprinkle baking soda and lemon over the sink, then wipe with a microfiber cloth. The mixture works wonders for grouting and hard spots hydrogen peroxide and baking soda.

3. Stainless steel refrigerator

Reader tip: A little vinegar and olive oil keeps my fridge fingerprint-free for weeks!

Pro tip: Swap olive oil for coconut oil for a streak-free shine. For equally effective odorless cleaning, try warm water with a little detergent.

4. Trash can

Reader Tip: Soak in soapy water and then a drop of stain remover!

Pro tip: Sprinkle with baking soda to get rid of odors. After washing, disinfect with hydrogen peroxide.

5. Mattress

Reader Tip: A zip-top cover, a soft mat, and a sprinkling of baking soda will keep things fresh!

Pro tip: Turn twice a year and refresh with baking soda. Steam every month to prevent mite.

6. Blinds

Reader tip: A mixture of vinegar, rubbing alcohol, dish soap and water is my favorite!

Pro tip: Replace alcohol with witch hazel for safer cleaning. Start with a dry wipe, then spray on a cloth and go to town.

7. Bathroom: Shelves, shower and bathtub

Reader's tip: All-purpose cleaner and a sprinkling of baking soda can handle tough spots!

Pro tip: Microfiber cloths catch dirt like magic. Allow the natural disinfectant to work for 10 minutes before wiping. For stubborn dirt, mark the team with a shower cleaner and a gentle scrub.

white bathtub in bathroom
Photo by Vecislavas Popa on Pexels.com

8. Mirrors and windows

Reader tip: Hydrogen peroxide and a microfiber cloth for a streak-free shine!

Pro tip: Spray the cloth, not the mirror, to avoid fringes. Or try a 50-50 mixture of water and rubbing alcohol for a shiny, streak-free finish. For more serious work on the windows, use a squeegee with a mixture of soap, alcohol and warm water.

At the end

Change up your cleaning routine and make cleaning easier with these expert hacks. Enjoy a sparkling, fresh home instantly! Happy cleaning! 🌟

This article is inspired by: 29 Proven Tips to Make Cleaning So Much Easier (realsimple.com)

PS: V All For Us – Care & Home we use professional chemical means for deep cleaning, unfortunately even nature is not enough for some strong impurities.

If you are interested in our services, you can contact us.

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